Year 11 Resource Hub
Welcome to Christ the King Sixth Forms’ Year 11 Resource Hub.
Here you will find transition booklets for all our subjects, to help you prepare for your post 16 studies. You can also download a free careers guide with activities and tips to help you find out more about your options after school. Our careers advisors are ready to help and give you specialised careers advice, please contact them on if you need any careers support.
Reading lists
Christ the King Sixth Forms have put together free reading lists to help you transition to post 16 study. There is a reading list for every subject we offer with books you can read and websites to research to help you get ahead before you start in September.
Year 11 Careers Advice
Christ the King Sixth Forms is here to help.
Any student completing this form will be sent a free careers resources activity book. If you would like careers advice from one of our team, please contact and one of our careers advisers will be more than happy to help.
Year 11 Careers Advice
Franklin EMMANUEL Grades achieved: D*DD Progressed to: Kingston University Course: BTEC Engineering
“Being at Christ the King has been a great and immersive experience. CTK is a place for growth, discovery, and adapting to new challenges. I received a £15,000 Metric Capital scholarship to help me go on university to study Engineering.”
Jorge EMMANUEL Grades achieved: D*DD Progressed to: Brunel University Course: BTEC Sport Level 3
“I've had a great experience at CTK. I've met a lot of new people and gained knowledge that I will need in the future. I'm going to study Sport and Exercise Science at Brunel University. My teachers always went the extra mile to make sure I had all my work completed. I would recommend CTK because the knowledgeable and passionate teachers always help students to succeed.”
Joy EMMANUEL Grades achieved: D*D*D Progressed to: Kingston University Course: BTEC Applied Science
“CTK offers good opportunities and a wide range of courses that I was very interested in. I have learnt excellent time management and determination through the support and advice of my teachers, this is what helped me to achieve my grades. ”
Chizoba EMMANUEL Grades achieved: D*D*D* Progressed to: Aston University Course: BTEC Level 3 Business
“Studying at Christ The King has enabled me to become more independent as a person, as I was able to take on more responsibility for my own learning and acquire new skills such as my time management and organisational skills.”
Klaudija EMMANUEL Grades achieved: D*DD Progressed to: University of Greenwich Course: BTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care
“The teachers at CTK are very talented, and they helped me to achieve my best. Everyone is always there to support you as a young individual in all possible areas. I recommend CTK because students always receive the support they need. There are many different activities and opportunities that students can get involved in and improve on a variety of skills.”
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