Open Day

CTK Emmanuel holds its November Open Day!

The third and final of the November CTK open days ended with CTK Emmanuel. The event went ahead on Saturday 20th November where we were joined by a staggering amount of prospective students. 

The student ambassadors worked tirelessly and professionally to chauffeur individual groups of prospective students around the building as they answered questions and showed our guests to the relevant subject areas. 

Staff also played a key role on the day, interacting with interested students and taking them through the subject course. Some subject ambassadors remained in their classrooms to support their teachers and give the prospective students a real feel of what it would be like to study a BTEC or pathway at Emmanuel by giving them an introduction to the classroom facilities as well as showcasing their fantastic work. 

Each hour-long tour ended with a talk with the site principal Mr Simon Spearman as well as Executive Principal Shireen Razey. During these talks, both students and parents were given an in-depth presentation on the full range of subjects and opportunities that Emmanuel has to offer. 

We were overwhelmed by the wealth of complementary and positive feedback relayed by our visitors. We would like to say thank you to all the students and staff who contributed to the success of the event and again, thank you to the delightful prospective students and parents who attended. 

Find the right course for you:
CTK Emmanuel
Belmont Grove
London SE13 5GE
020 8297 9433
Christ The King Sixth Forms