Monster Confidence Event at Plexal

Ten students from Christ the King: Emmanuel, St. Mary’s and Aquinas attended the ‘Monster Confidence’ Event at Plexal, Queen Elizabeth Park in Stratford.

This event was run by the Stemettes who promote women in STEM (Science, Technology, Maths and Engineering). The students were involved in confidence workshops, mentoring and interview practice. They also met many inspirational women who currently work in STEM. It was an inspiring day for all. 

Annakaye Wilmot, who is studying BTEC Applied Science, said ‘I enjoyed the conference as the whole event gave a great importance of women exploring and gaining jobs within fields that are mainly male dominated.’ 

Ashleigh Powis Frost, a BTEC Applied science student, found the CV and interview practice session particularly interesting. f

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CTK Emmanuel
Belmont Grove
London SE13 5GE
020 8297 9433
Christ The King Sixth Forms