CTK Emmanuel Prospectus 2024-25

16 CTK EMMANUEL ENGINEERING & MANUFACTURING T LEVEL (Equivalent to 3 A Levels) CONTENT During this 2-year technical qualification, you’ll learn a range of theoretical and practical mechanical and electrical engineering skills. There are many different career routes available, including mechanical, robotic, electrical, industrial, chemical or civil engineering. Mechanical engineers are responsible for designing and manufacturing products and machines. Electrical engineering is centred around electricpowered technology. This T Level course has a strong focus on gaining practical workplace experience through a 45-day work placement, as well as developing a high level of theoretical, academic knowledge. You will take your learning from CTK into the work placement – providing an exceptional experience in a real engineering context. You will learn how to be an engineer in the workplace and make a valuable contribution at work. You will learn what is expected of an engineer and how an engineer conducts themselves in the workplace. This is a hugely exciting way of learning and developing your study and future career, studying and developing important work skills at the same time. You will learn in our exceptional new engineering facilities, taught by our engineering team who are experts in their field. Our team works closely with you and our employer partners to ensure your placement helps you decide which element of engineering you enjoy the most, to inform your future career or university/ apprenticeship choices. Engineers build skyscrapers, create robots and robotic systems, design and test mechanics, design and supervise large construction projects and invent and change ways of working in the world. Engineers might work in health and medicine as a bio engineer, in robotics or artificial intelligence, in the RAF or aviation engineering, in carbon neutral technology, join a tech start up, or work in oil or gas around the world. Engineering Careers • Software Engineer • Biotech Engineer • Chemical Engineer • Electrical Engineer • Electronic Engineer • Mechanical Engineer • Civil Engineer • Environmental Engineer • Marine Engineer • Bio Engineer • IT Engineer • Aviation Engineer ? DID YOU KNOW... Big tech companies like Facebook, TikTok and YouTube are constantly recruiting engineers to keep their platforms running smoothly? T LEVELS